Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.
I have a wonderful partner for this life, my Valentine, but I also like
to use this day to focus on a different Valentine . . . our daughter. Maggee is 12 and inhabiting that
difficult space that every preteen must navigate. A space filled with self-doubt and experiments in identity. There are risks in being too much like
all the others, but it is downright perilous to stray too far from the group. To make matters worse . . . our family
adopted a Paleo lifestyle at the very same moment. Maggee’s incredible adaptability and self-discipline in
making this move, particularly at this moment in her life’s journey, has thoroughly
impressed my husband and I. She
has learned just as much as we have about nutrition and despite the tricky
social encounters it has involved, she is a dedicated Paleo girl.
Maggee we admire your already strong sense of self and couldn’t
possibly love who you are more deeply.
I asked her to write a guest blog about Paleo eating in middle
school (can you imagine a tougher place to pull it off). This is what she had to say:
Here’s the thing I eat gluten
free. All my friend’s moms
know that . . . my friends always ask why I can’t eat something. I say it’s because, if I don’t eat it, I
don’t have any migraines and I get a lot less headaches. They ask me questions then, but it ends
quick when they get bored by my shortened answers.
At school people make fun of me about my lunch, but the truth
is that they barely eat breakfast, a donut maybe . . . Then on top of that they
come to school and eat salad with hot sauce on it, chocolate milk, chicken
patty, and a hash brown stick. Even
though I still eat a lot of candy (gluten free of course) and don’t always
finish all of my lunch, I eat a breakfast of eggs, O.J. or water, and
sausage. I feel better if I eat a
lot of protein in the morning.
Plus, for lunch I go healthy.
I have protein, fruit, veggies, and a yummy gluten-free snack. People don’t understand that eating
affects you in more ways then commercials lead on.
My friends always say, “Well, I’m
just not a healthy person and I don’t like all that healthy food. It’s not hurting me. I eat like a pig and I don’t get
fat.” But what they don’t/can’t
see is that it isn’t about getting fat.
You can look as skinny as can be and be so sick on the inside. I know that, ‘cause my mom used to be
that way. She has Celiac
Now, I know that I’m not the
PERFECT example. My mom said
she’s not going to make me do an endoscopy or colonoscopy, so I don’t know what
my insides look like, but I’m pretty sure they look good, ‘cause I eat Paleo
most of the time. There is another
reason I’m not a PERFECT example, because I LOVE junk food!!!
Friend, “Junk food is the best.”
Me,“Yeah, it’s pretty good, but I
can’t eat most of it because of gluten.”
Friend, “Your allergic to
Me, “Yeah.”
Friend: “OMG, I feel so bad for
I can get passed the junk food
cravings though, ‘cause there are a lot of gluten free and Paleo treats I can
have. My mom and I make Paleo
brownies and chocolate macaroons and cookies.
This is a typical conversation
between my friends and I. It goes
like this:
Friend, “Maggee, want a
Me (in my mind), “Yes, yes, yes!”
Me, “No, I’m allergic to
Me (in my mind), “I wish I
Friend, “Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot.”
Sometimes I wonder if they really
did forget or are they just trying to rub it in my face. Well, no . . . because that’s not what
friends do. But they must have a
VERY bad memory, considering they ask me like everyday! I mean it offends me. Not like they did anything wrong, but
inside it feels like they meant to.
I mean yes, I would love a Dorito thanks, but I can’t.
People tell me I’m strong all the
time. The thing is I don’t feel
strong! They don’t know it, but I
cry about eating gluten free sometimes, but not for the reason everybody
thinks. I don’t really care about
the food part, it’s the social part that I don’t like! I just hate feeling left out. Ask any of my family. I feel left out, dorky, and most of all
worried. Thoughts, I often have in
my head are, “When I’m invited to
her B-Day party, will my mom let me eat gluten?” “Is she going to suggest I bring my own food?” “Wouldn’t I look stupid and feel left
out, because everyone was chowing down on brownies, while I ate one of (and I
quote my 'disgusting' chocolate macaroons which everybody seems to gag and then spit out upon
tasting), my delicious gluten free
and dairy free cookies?" I push these thoughts out of my head.
If there’s a kid out there
reading this, some tactics I use are these:
Friend, “Ewwwwwwwww, that cookie
looks like a pile of poop!”
Me (in
a sassy voice), “Haven’t you ever heard of a macaroon? Because this is just a macaroon, but
chocolate, so I don’t know what the big deal is?”
Me, “Wanna try one?”
“Cool, more for me!”
Friend looks
down at table . . . Personally, I think they feel dumb.
Or, if
they say, “Yes I do want to try.”
Then do this:
“Ewwwww!” (Spits over trash can.) “What
is that?”
Me, “A
brownie, it tastes just like a normal one, so I don’t know what your big deal
“Ummmmm, it didn’t taste good though…”
“Well, that’s weird, because my mom’s whole work likes them and she works with
a lot of cool people.”
what I’m trying to say is don’t feel bad.
Eating different can be
challenging in school, but it’s not so bad.
With the
exception of some editing for flow and grammar that we worked on together, this
is all in Maggee’s own words.
YOU GO, MAGGEE! You are such an amazing role model to so many people - keep it up. Remember what Dr. Seuss said, "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
ReplyDeleteWe all think you, and your paleo treat, are super cool. It's a shame people you go to school with haven't realized that yet :)
Maggee-i think you are stronger than most adults, and the chocolate macaroons are delicious- those kids don't know what they are missing!
ReplyDeleteEveryone could learn a thing or two from you, looking forward to reading more! :)
My favorite line..." 'Me, “Well, that’s weird, because my mom’s whole work likes them and she works with a lot of cool people.' " They are the most delicious treats!
ReplyDeleteYou are an amazing writer and I can't wait to read more:) We all look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!
Maggee- This is such an awesome blog post! Don't let those kids at school make you feel bad for eating healthy. You are better for it and it makes you a stronger person!
ReplyDeleteBring those macaroons to Leadership Conference because we all love them!
Wow Maggee, you're a pretty cool kid. I wish I was as knowledgeable as you are when I was your age. In 20 years you will go to your high school reunion and look and feel great and those kids will think, "Man, I wish I had gone gluten free back in the day like Maggee." Good job!
ReplyDeleteVery cool post by a very cool girl. Thanks for sharing, Maggee!
ReplyDeleteHi Maggee,
ReplyDeleteI am also a middle schooler in the same tough situation! My friends give me a hard time about the way I eat a lot. One friend even tried to get me to eat gluten, saying that I was at home and it would be okay if I got sick. I told her that me eating gluten would be like her eating poison, which was a slight exaggeration, but mostly true, because I am very sensitive to gluten.
Thank you so much for sharing, because I've never met another kid who eats Paleo in my life! It's wonderful to know that there's someone like me out there. Thanks!
Dear Anonymous Middle Schooler-
ReplyDeleteI don't think it is a "slight exaggeration" to call it poison. My mom says it is poison all the time. I've never met another kid who eats Paleo either. Thanks for reading . . . maybe there is a way for us to email each other?
Hi! I would love that! A little more about me: I'm Emma. I live in a progressive Midwestern town that you would think might catch on with Paleo, but it's extremely vegetarian here. I've never met anyone else face to face who eats Paleo besides my family. I would love to figure out a way to email with you! I'm also considering starting a blog of my own, so if that happens, I'll definitely send you that information!
I can't find the post! I only see the introduction and the comments :-(
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous-
ReplyDeleteSome people are having trouble (I think because my daughter typed this in Word & then I copied & pasted into the blog) viewing this w/ certain browsers. Try Mozilla Firefox. Sorry for the trouble, but thanks for coming here to read.
Hi Magee-
ReplyDeleteI was able to view this post on Firefox (but not explorer).
I have a 12 year old daughter and a 9 year old son. They are not gluten-free but I am, and our kitchen is, and I only pack them Paleo lunches. My son has had the same comment at school about his Paleo treat looking like a poo. It's so frustrating! I will share this post with them and I think they will enjoy seeing that there are other kids like them. Thank you!