Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Paleo-Versary

Sweet Success!  Confession:  Right after taking this pic, I got in trouble w/ a park ranger for leaning on this old, beautiful cork tree.  Law breaker & Paleo believer.

It's today!!  One full year of Paleo!  24/7/365!  I freaking did it!*   I seriously woke up with butterflies in my stomach thinking about it the last few days.  I am so proud of myself for being so darned fully committed to my health and healing for this long . . . and it is only the start!  I think I can officially say it now.  Paleo is my lifestyle.

I have a super rad GIVEAWAY to celebrate the day.  As many of my readers know I team up with Sarah Ballantyne of The Paleo Mom and Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Paleo from time to time.  They are both very cool, very smart ladies and I have been very lucky to get to know them over the last year.  They are also both authors of beautiful AIP specific books.

The giveaway will be for copies of BOTH 
"The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook" by Mickey Trescott.  

I've had the privilege of learning about tid-bits of the intense research and writing Sarah is pouring into her extremely comprehensive AIP guide and it is definitely going to be THE guide for AIers.  And Mickey sent me a preview copy of her book a few weeks ago and I seriously freaked out.  It is gorgeous and full of incredible, new AIP recipes.  (I wrote her back saying that I was happier for myself than I was for her, 'cause I could not wait to try all the recipes and add a little zest into my AIP diet again.)

Mickey will send a copy of her e-cookbook to the winner by mid-May.  Sarah will ship a signed copy of her book to the winner by the release date, which is mid-September.  Awesome!  Just when you are finished up testing out all of Mickey's recipes in "The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook," you'll get a copy of "The Paleo Approach:  Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body," and you can try out all of Sarah's recipes.     

So here's the rules:
1)  Go to my FB page here:  Alt-ternative Autoimmune.  If you haven't liked it, give 'er a like.
2)  Go to today's PALEO-VERSARY GIVEAWAY post there and leave a comment about why you like this blog.  You have between today (May 1) and Friday (May 3) to leave your comment.
3)  Check back on the FB page on Saturday (May 4) for annoucement of the winner.  He or she will be chosen at random.
4)  I'll get in touch with winner for a physical address & email address & then we'll get these indispensable AIP guides headed your way.

To everyone that has already completed a year or more, my hat is off to you.  I know first hand now, that it is a mammoth (you know, like the Paleolithic kind) undertaking.  Thank you for leading the charge and sharing your knowledge.

To those that are still working on making this their lifestyle or who are still considering it, let me say that if you are committed the returns will be more than worth the sacrifices.  This is one of the best decisions I have ever made.  The improvements to my physical health and emotional well-being have been profound.  I literally feel like I have been given the gift of my own body, all I had to do was commit to treating it like a gift.  And that is after only one year . . .

One other thing readers . . . today starts Celiac Awareness Month.  Take some time to learn about the signs and symptoms of Celiac today.

*A little note:  I went from Paleo to full on Autoimmune Protocol within about week, as I very quickly realized that I needed a stricter diet to heal, so this is basically my AIP-versary too.  Rock on AIPers!  You can do this!


  1. I love your blog, because I can relate so well, having autoimmune disease myself. I appreciate your honesty, as much as your advice. I'm coming up on my 1-year GAPS anniversary (in June) and I've been on Paleo AI since January. Have you seen the comic that says, "I don't think of paleo as a lifestyle. I think of it as being AWESOME!" Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Phoenix Helix! I love the quote. Too funny! Congrats on your soon to come GAPS anniversary.

  2. I am just being turned on to your blog and cannot wait to finish reading catch up to present day. We are on the as e path. It is always nice to know when people go through the same things and what they do. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much for reading Ashley! I love that you are digging the stories.

  3. I just found your blog. So happy to find another resource! :)!

    1. Thank you Christina! I'm so glad you found me & hope you'll enjoy reading.

  4. I just found your blog through a FB post and am excited to have it as a resource. I don't have an AI issue, but I have several friends who do (and two of whom are trying Paleo diets) so I love to have another resource to provide to them and another place to learn more myself.

    1. Thanks for reading Sarah & thanks even more for being a non-AIer that is so supportive to those w/ AI. We need lots more like you!!

  5. I enjoy reading about the emotional part of the AI journey. It's been big for me as I am constantly talking myself out of the full AIP. I am currently on GAPS/Paleo but really need to get myself back on full AI. Unfortunately my husband is a nightshade nut which makes it hard because I love them too. Thanks and Congratulations! – Jen

    1. Hi Jen! Thank you so much for reading. I really feel strongly that the emotional part of the journey is a story that needs attention too. It is a tough row to hoe & it helps so much to know others understand. Keep trying w/ AIP. You can do it!

  6. I just "liked" your FB page because I'm about to hit day 30 on the AI protocol (after being gluten-free for 10 years). I have RA and I'm thrilled to have found another web presence that focuses on healing autoimmunity through lifestyle. Congratulations on completing full year of Paleo!

    1. Hi Kirsten! Thanks for reading & liking my FB page. Thirty days is an awesome accomplishment. Keep going, you will definitely get relief. My farmer has RA & she has it in remission using a similar diet. Good luck!

  7. You are an inspiration to me!

  8. Congrats on your paleo-versary! It is wonderful to see so many people helped by this lifestyle. Here's to feeling great and being awesome!

    1. Wow! Thanks for the encouragement Erin & thanks for reading!

  9. I just discovered your blog...but happy I have. I have been thinking I really need to try the AI protocol to help with symptoms...but feel so your blog is another resource for me to feel confident in moving forward!

  10. Congratulations! Your blog has been a wonderful resource for a newbie like me. Also your dedication is inspiring. I would love to win these books since I they would be helpful in managining my thyroid condition.


    1. Hi Alicia! Thanks for reading. Another good place to start would be w/ "Practical Paleo." It is not as specific as these AIP books, but it will be a great resource to get you started.

  11. Your blog has been very inspiring and supportive! I've been on the Paleo Autoimmune for over two months now after being diagnosed with Takayasu's arteritis and, while I haven't reaped the benefits yet, I know I'm inching closer and closer to healing my body through this challenging lifestyle change in addition to other interventions. Thank you for your time and effort!


    1. You are welcome Sam! Hang in there w/ AIP. It will begin to help. Take a look at this blog I did, for some ideas on how to measure your progress:

  12. Just found out about your blog from Autoimmune Paleo blog :) So I already love it. I just took a glance at your Facebook page and it looks inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story!


  13. I just found this blog and am always looking for more paleo blogs, recipes and encouragement as I start on this journey. I started paleo 2 months ago, but just realized in the last month that I wasn't following it completely. I keep reading all the sites, blogs, etc for help and information. I also just found your page on Facebook. thanks for all you're doing to help us.

    1. Thanks for reading Beverly! Keep up all the effort & learning. It WILL pay off!
