Sunday, June 2, 2013

My New AIP Comfort Food Meal

So Yummy!
So, I love the meals I eat on AIP.  After over a year of eating this way, I can actually say with honesty, that I am not bored of my food.  It is a very restrictive plan, but I have found so many amazing, delicious ways to stick to it, that it really has not bothered me.  However (yes, there is a "but" here), I haven't had too many meals that I would consider the equivalent of former comfort food favorites . . . until now.

I don't create many recipes, but last Thursday night I had some left-over zucchini and argula, plus a bunch of fresh cilantro and parsley that really needed to be used up in a hurry.  As I have said before, I detest food waste.  So, necessity become the mother of invention.  The following meal is now not only my go-to AIP comfort food, but it is also my husband & daughter's.  We had zero left-overs, 'cause we chowed down hard.  And best of all, it was very simple to make.

I had so many people request the recipes on my Facebook page, that I decided to just put a blog post up for everyone to access.  Enjoy & let me know what you think!

Turkey-Zucchini-Cilantro Burgers
1 lb. ground turkey
2 med. zucchini, grated
1/2 c. fresh cilantro, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
S & P to taste

Put the grated zucchini in a clean cotton dish towel, roll up and twist both ends until water begins to drain out of zucchini.  Do this until you get as much of the moisture out as possible.  Then mix all ingredients together & form burger patties.  Put them under the broiler, approx. 5-6 mins. each side.

Twice Fried Plantains
These are also called Tostones & are a Latin American dish.  The following is how I prepare them.

2 large semi-ripe plantains (I have a bad reaction to unripe plantain, but seem to be okay if they are not green)
1/2 of a white onion, chopped
enough coconut oil for frying

Cut the plantains into two inch sections, with the peel still on.  Then make a slice down one side of each section into the peel.  This is the easiest way to peel a plantain.  Get coconut oil hot & put sections into the oil.  Fry just until browned on all sides.  Transfer to a plate w/ paper towels, so the oil can drain.  After the plantain is cooled & well drained, use the back of a spatula to gently press down on each section, until it flattens out.  Put the "patties" back in the oil, along with the onion and fry until a deeper golden brown and onions are translucent and crispy at the edges.  Transfer all to paper towel to drain again. 

1 large ripe avocado
1 cup arugula, chopped
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
2 garlic cloves
juice from one lime
2 tsps. apple cider vinegar

Put all ingredients in food processor and blend well.

Dish up and be comforted . . . AIP style!!

1 comment:

  1. I love fried plantains, though I have to keep them to a minimum because of candida issues.thanks for posting the recipes. Now I only need to find a reliable source. I've had trader joes brand, and though they are gluten free, I prefer to save a little dough by making myself.
